For our indigenous ancestors, the Emerald has a mystical meaning and love. This is how this stone keeps a mythological charm, legend has it that the great god Are, created Fura (woman) and Tena (man). Fura and Tena lived happily for centuries in the paradise between the Muzo mountains. One day Fura met a young man with whom she had an affair, the god Are punishes her by making her grow old, Tena discovers the sin she had committed and decides to take her own life; Fura took her husband in her arms and realizing the mistake she had made, she shed tears of pain that turned into emeralds being buried by the water in the bowels of the Muzo mountains.
The emerald is one of the four main gemstones along with ruby, sapphire and diamond, the Colombian Emerald is highly sought after in the jewelry market for its beauty. Our gems are a symbol of quality and beauty, they are unique in the world and this is due to the geological process that originates them in the Andes mountains.
In other places on the planet, leaders in emerald production, these were produced by metamorphic processes in igneous rocks, while in Colombia their birth is due to hydrothermal processes where saline fluids were released by tectonic movements and came into contact with evaporites, this perfect combination creates stones. of a good size, an attractive and intense green color and a clarity above others in the world.
Despite its beauty, the history of the emerald has also been bathed in war and greed, however this has changed in the last decade, where the government and foreign investors have dedicated themselves to technifying and implementing sustainable mining processes. Being these companies recognized from the beginning of their operations as the forerunners of the formalization and modernization of the mining and international emerald business.
At SAMARA JEWERLY we specialize in setting this precious stone, designing, manufacturing and marketing unique pieces with sober and elegant designs, which will later be enjoyed by our customers anywhere in the world.